Tuesday 1 October 2013

Bill Gates Management Style

The Management Style
  1. Create and nurture(the correct culture) - Microsoft is the pioneer of the new-agey workplace, making work as comfortable, inspiring and fun as possible so workers would spend lots of time there.
  2. Develop a clear vision - From the beginning, he dreamed of developing Microsoft into a corporate giant. For CIOs this is one of the most important traits that must be part of the toolbox.
  3. Hire action oriented employees - CIOs usually have exposure to many different environments and come across many employees. Some will be better than others, while some will be outstanding. Gates has always hired the smartest people who can get the job done on time.
  4. Relax and feel at home - According to Matt Richey, 'Microsoft has a simple way of maximizing its employees' productivity. It allows each individual's office to be as individualized as one desires. It means that making the office more like home. Everything from real offices (not cubicles) to windows in most offices, from free soft drinks to no dress code. from an open supply room to anything-goes work hours. Quite simply, these policies improve employee morale, and thus increase overall productivity.
  5. Successful innovation and success in general may be built on failure - Bill Gates has constantly had Microsoft innovating along. Currently though, as many large IT businesses employ smarter and smarter employees, time will judge who can innovate the most and bring to market technologies that have 'stickiness'. Microsoft has proved that failure can lead to success and continues to innovate by investing in many technologies. Some will inevitably fail while others maybe huge successes. Many businesses lack of innovation is due to their fear of failures.

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